It's been quiet, but I'm not dead, yet.
So I've been coding some pretty neat things, some are new(aka pys60(=for Symbian mobile phones)), and some are older(The Peli!):
- The Peli: Yeah, it's been playable someday(and it was GOOD) including multiplayer, but nowdays it is more and more a testing ground for Anyload(resource streaming system) and in lesser(O.o rly?) role in testing/developing weapon/upgrade system.
- Tankwars: Yes. Featuring weapons from The Peli.
- RPC: Worker thread/server study
- pyCamera: A real-time video streaming application for S60/PC. Server supports unlimited number of clients(in theory).
- devname _A[ ]memo_book: Hierarchical notes, done in need and as a testing ground for (de)flattening hierarchial data.
- Vlan_2: Network stumbler for S60.
And some that are usable but unused / deprecated / i_have_found_better_way / OS_app_exists stuff:
- Filetransfer/browser.
- chat infrastructure featuring client/server/masterserver/loginserver/encryption with can trust no-one philosophy.
- Trayer(2)
I am sure there is many more, but one can't remember everything(and that list just featured python projects, no PHP included).